SIE English Sony Interactive Entertainment Inc. Entertainment AQUA world in CLARK: travel Guide, finest Rides as well as Tickets

AQUA world in CLARK: travel Guide, finest Rides as well as Tickets

welcome to our AQUA world travel GUIDE. This short article includes info about this Clark style park including directions, entrance ticket prices, operating hours, finest rides, as well as other tips! Užívat si!

Summer break was something I looked ahead to when I was a kid. It’s a time when my cousins as well as I would excitedly capture ourselves inside a hired jeepney to travel to close-by prominent beach destinations or resort villages. however while we were still waiting, we would set up our own makeshift “water park” with only laundry laundry basins for the pools as well as washboards for the slides. Still, we had a grand time.

At present, the country is house to a number of water parks, which function distinct as well as amazing attractions. I’ve been to one in the south when I was a kid, as well as I immensely delighted in my time there.

The North Philippines visitors Bureau (NPVB) invited us to yet one more Lakbay Norte trip as well as one of the highlights of that trip is our go to to Aqua world at Clark Freeport zone in Pampanga. The vibrant slides as well as the wave pools will make you feel like youngsters again, as I did. I was only planning to take pictures of the others, however the kid in me might not withstand the #WatermazingExperience! 😛

Additional facts about Aqua Planet:

February 24, 2018. Aqua world officially started its operations. This 10-hectare water style park is just the very first wave of advancement for a 122-hectare resort job inside Clark Freeport Zone.

Umístění. Bounded by J.P Rizal Avenue, J.P. Laurel Avenue as well as prince Balagtas Avenue, Clark Freeport zone Pampanga, Philippines

Themed Areas. The Kiddie zone as well as The zone 1.

Aqua world Characters. likewise called the Aqua world Legends, these are the water park’s mascots: Captain Aqua, Mermaid Princess, Orc, King King Penguin, as well as The Bubblies namely Bellow, Snug, Quince, as well as Snout.

Brand Values. security very first as well as foremost, fun for all, as well as high quality service as well as experience.

Here are a few of the things you may want to understand before you go.

Co je uvedeno v této příručce?

What are the operating hours of Aqua Planet?
How much is the Aqua world admission ticket?
Where to purchase Aqua world tickets?
Where can I inquire about event packages?
When is the very best time to visit?
How to get to Aqua world from Manila?Manila to Aqua world by Bus
Manila to Aqua world by Car

What are the the attractions?Kiddie Zone
Zone 1

What are the prominent attractions?
How long do I have to wait in line?
How can I maximize my time in the park?
Are there other lounge facilities aside from tables as well as chairs?
How do I pay for food as well as other services inside the park?
Where to eat inside Aqua Planet?
Am I enabled to bring my own food inside the park?
Are there ATMs?
Are there lockers inside Aqua Planet?
Are animals enabled inside Aqua Planet?
Aside from food as well as pets, what else are not enabled inside the park?
Are the slides as well as attractions safe?
What are the other security restrictions?
Other Aqua world Tips
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What are the operating hours of Aqua Planet?

Aqua world operates everyday from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM. The administration has the best to change the routine depending upon the weather condition condition, maintenance schedule, as well as blocked dates for special occasions. always inspect the routine before going to the park. You may reach the administration at (045) 649-8500.

How much is the Aqua world admission ticket?

There are two type of ticket rates as well as two kinds of admission tickets. The two type of ticket rates are the weekday rates as well as weekend rates. The two kinds of admission tickets are the Slide & soak ticket for adults/4ft as well as above as well as the decrease & sprinkle ticket for kids/below 4ft.

Weekday Rates

Slide & soak Ticket: P950

Drop & sprinkle Ticket: P750

Weekend Rates

Slide & soak Ticket: P1180

Junior Day Pass: P980


Admission charge for infants is waived.

All ticket rates are inclusive of the entrance fee, all-access pass to all water rides as well as attractions, tables as well as chairs (first come, very first serve basis), flotation gear/devices, as well as utilize of Wi-Fi.

Upon purchase of tickets, you will be provided the RFID wristband called “Planet Band” instead of a single-use wristband. This will be your one-time entry as well as exit pass. note that re-entry is not allowed, so make sure you don’t fail to remember anything inside your car.

Where to purchase Aqua world tickets?

You can get your tickets at the ticket booths located at the entrance of the water park.

You can likewise book in advancement on the internet through Klook!


Where can I inquire about event packages?

For group sales (company outing, teambuilding, houShromažďování, institucionální zájezdy, stejně jako další OCASSIONS) se můžete zeptat zde.

Kdy je nejlepší čas na návštěvu?

Je zřejmé, že všední dny jsou méně přetížené než víkendy. Šli jsme v pondělí, takže jsme museli neustále prožívat naše preferované snímky i atrakce, protože neexistovaly žádné dlouhé fronty.

Nejrušnější dny jsou víkendy i během prázdnin, zejména v létě, stejně jako přestávky na instituci. Víkend je den odpočinku i pro mnoho z nás, takže očekávejte mnohem více lidí i dlouhé fronty.

Jak se dostat do Aqua World z Manily?

Clark Worldwide Flight Terminal je primární bránou do Clarku a dalších centrálních oblastí Luzon a také sekundární bránou do Manily po NAIA. Cestování půdy do Clarku je však jednodušší a praktičtější na severní luzonské dálnici (NLEX) a také Subic-Clark-Tarlac Expressway (SCTEX). V závislosti na stavu webového provozu se můžete vyhnout letadlu a také jezdit nebo dojíždět na dvě až tři hodiny.

Pocházející z Subic Bay to trvá jen asi 45 minut skrz SCTEX. Blízkými památkami jsou celosvětový letový terminál Clark (10 minut), SM Clark (15 minut) a také Angeles Heritage Plaza (20 minut).

Manila do Aqua World autobusem

Victory Liner Bus
Mnoho autobusů pracuje mezi Manilou i North Luzon denně. Jedním z důvěryhodných autobusových podniků při cestování na sever je úspěch. Má autobusové terminály v Pasay i Cubao.

Jeďte autobusem z terminálu Cubao nebo Pasay a také se vydejte do terminálu autobusu Dau-Mabalacat. Odtud si rezervujete a dostanete se na planetu Aqua. Celkové jízdné je P300-350 a doba cestování je zhruba tři hodiny.

Alternativně můžete vzít sběrnici P2P poskytovanou společností Genesis. Pick Up pochází z Trinomu a také vystupuje v SM Clark. Cestujte do terminálu Bayanihan pěšky. Na palubu modrého Jeepu na Aqua Planet.

Více informací o autobusech P2P, které pracují mezi Manilou a Letový terminál Clark zde: P2P Bus Clark & ​​Manila: Plán, zastávky a tarify

Manila do aqua svět autem

Přes NLEX. Vezměte výjezd dau. Vydejte se směrem do Angeles nahoru, dokud nedosáhnete značení silnice a ukazuje na Clark. Aqua World se nachází v severozápadní části Clark Freeport Zone (CFZ).

Více podrobností zde: Jak se přesně dostat na Aqua Planet

Jaké jsou atrakce?

Aqua World má asi 38 snímků i atrakcí. Jsou klasifikovány do dvou kategorií: Kiddie Zone a také zónu 1 (pro 4 stop i výše).

Kiddie Zone

Mermaid Bay. Je to vodní hřiště s různými zábavnými skluzavkami, sprinklery a zajímavými postavami. Hloubka vody je 0-14 palců.

Orc Lagoon. Jedno další vodní hřiště s vodními děly, koly, lanami a obrovským kbelíkem na vodu! Hloubka vody je 0-12 palců.

Bublinová základna: Kiddie Wave Pool. Úplně první v zemi! Existují tři typy vln: diamant, válec a natahovací válec. Hloubka vody je 0-44 palců.

Orc Lagoon. Obrázek Mac Dillera

Jsou povoleny pouze děti do 4 stop nebo 47 palců.

Maximální hmotnost povolená k využití skluzu je až 200 liber nebo 90,72 kg.

Pro bazén pro děti vlny by děti pod 4 stopy měly nosit životní bundy.

Všechny děti by měly být pryč spolu s Guardian nebo dospělým.

Zóna 1

Spirálové skluzavky. Tato přitažlivost má čtyři trubice s různými zvraty i zatáčky. Hloubka přistání vody je 0-14 palců. Dva cyklisté najednou. Typ plováku: dvojité zkumavky.

Spirálové skluzavky. Obrázek nabízený společností Aqua Planet.
Octopusové závodníci. Závod s vaší domácností i kamarády se šesti pulzujícími skluzavkami. Hloubka přistání vody je pět palců. Minimální výšková poptávka je 4 stop. Jeden jezdec najednou. Typ Floater: Race Mat.

Foto: Potpot Pilili
Aqua Loop. Pokuste se sklouznout ve stálém nastavení a snížit 100 metrů do 360 stupňové smyčky. Máte dvě možnosti snímků – modrý nebo červený. Toto je nejextrémnější výlet na Aqua Planet. Hloubka přistání vody je pět palců. Minimální výšková poptávka je 5 stop. Nepotřeboval žádný floater. Jedna osoba najednou.

Hurikán sklouzne. Toto je mnohem extrémnější verze spirálových snímků. Hloubka přistání vody je tři stopy. Minimální výšková poptávka je 4 stop. Dva cyklisté najednou. Typ plováku: dvojité zkumavky.

Foto: Mac Dillera
Super Bowl. Sklouzněte do široké mísy a otočí se ze strany na stranu, než posypte dolů do tří stop hluboké vody. Minimální výšková poptávka je 4 stop. Čtyři cyklisté pokaždé s ne více než 660 liber nebo 299,37 kg integrované hmotnosti. Typ Floater: Quad Trubs.

Sky raketoplán. Tato přitažlivost vás zastřelí strmou funkci skluzu a také vám umožní cítit se beztíže, když se sklouznete zpět dolů. Hloubka přistání vody je tři stopy. Minimální výšková poptávka je 4 stop. Čtyři cyklisté pokaždé s ne více než 660 liber nebo 299,37 kg integrované hmotnosti. Typ Floater: Quad Trubs.

Sky raketoplán (vlevo), stejně jako velmi mísa (vpravo). Obrázek Mac Dillera
Tornádo. Moje mnoho preferovaných přitažlivostí! Buďte zameteni do obrovské trychtýře a křičíteart out with three of your friends. Water landing depth is 3ft. Minimální výšková poptávka je 4 stop. four bikers each time with not much more than 792 lbs integrated weight. Typ Floater: Quad Trubs.

Foto: Mac Dillera
Flow Rider. This simulates waves great for surfing. test your skills in balancing yourself on a board as well as trip the waves. Surf’s up! minimum height demand is 4ft, while the minimum weight needed is 200 lbs or 90.72kg. type of floater: flow Rider Board.

Wave Pool. This 3500-sqm pool boasts eight kinds of waves that will certainly provide you as well as your companions a #wavetasticexperience! Water depth is as much as 5ft as well as nine inches.

Foto: Mac Dillera
Boogie Bay. found just next to Wave Pool, this 1500-sqm pool can provide you a taste of exactly how it is to trip the waves as well as beat the current. This is a much more extreme version of Wave Pool. Water depth is as much as 8ft as well as eight inches. minimum height demand is 4ft, while the minimum weight needed is 200 lbs or 90.72kg. type of floater: flow Rider Board.

Wave River. chill as well as let the gentle present sweep you away as well as around Aqua Planet. Water depth is as much as 3ft as well as seven inches. type of Floater: single Tube.


Slide maximum weight demand is 200 lbs or 90.72kg. guests who will not satisfy the weight demand (maximum 200lbs or 90.72kg) for the slides will get a totally free product voucher worth PHP100. The voucher is only valid on the day of the visit.

Octopus Racers, very Bowl, as well as sky shuttle have minimum weight demand of 88 lbs or 39.92kg, while Aqua loop has 100 lbs or 45.36kg.

For Wave pool as well as Wave River attractions, life jackets are needed for kids under 4ft as well as those who can’t swim well. All kids below 4ft should always be gone along with by a guardian or an adult.

What are the prominent attractions?

Well, to be honest, it’s difficult to tell as all of us have different preferences. however among our group, right here are the five attractions that we delighted in the most (in no specific order):


Sky Shuttle

Wave Pool

Octopus Racers

Super Bowl

Expect long queues, particularly during top season.

How long do I have to wait in line?

This will depend upon the time of your go to as well as the attraction. For the prominent attractions, it may take you 30 minutes to over an hour during top season as well as weekends.

How can I maximize my time in the park?

On weekends as well as in top seasons, expect to wait in line for a long time for whatever — rides, food, as well as restroom.

It is finest to go during weekdays or off-peak season. however if weekends as well as holidays are your only options, you may want to think about these:

Prioritize. choose on the attractions that you don’t want to miss. listing as well as rank them. After covering your concern rides/attractions, you can relocation on to the others if you still have time.

Go there early. There’s not as well much crowd yet, so will have much more time at the park as well as will have a higher possibility to try all your preferred attractions.

Take a brunch. This will save you much more time by avoiding waiting in line for your food. keep in mind to moisturize yourself though.

Note: These are just suggestions. You may select to comply with or not comply with these.

Are there other lounge facilities aside from tables as well as chairs?

Ano! If your group/family is huge or wants a bit of privacy, you can lease cabanas. keep in mind that this is special of your admission ticket. The cabana rental rates variety from P3000 – P5000 (good for 15-25 pax). Each cabana has comfortable cushions, mist fan, as well as security box/vault for your valuables.

Rental Counter near the Entrance/Exit gate.

How do I pay for food as well as other services inside the park?

You are using the response around your wrist! utilize your “Planet Band”. money won’t work inside the park as the cashless deal is in effect. Here’s a listing of exactly how the world Band works:

Upon ticket purchase, you will be provided the world Band, the RFID wristband that serves as your entry as well as exit pass too.

It likewise serves as your e-wallet. utilize it to purchase food as well as other products inside Aqua Planet.

Load it at the Refill/Refund station near the entrance as well as around the park. note that packing should be done through money as credit rating cards are not accepted. You can utilize the credit rating card when you purchase the admission tickets.

If you haven’t utilized whatever up, you can refund your money at the Refill/Refund station also.

You requirement to return the world Band upon exit.

Don’t lose it or you’ll pay for the unit.

Where to eat inside Aqua Planet?

There are a number of food concessionaires in the park, so if you get truly hungry as well as thirsty, you can just tap your world Band to purchase your food as well as drinks. Make sure you ha

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