A more updated version of this article can be discovered here:
New P2P Bus Manila-Clark Schedule!
Last updated: MARCH 14, 2020.
IMPORTANT UPDATE! because of the COVID-19 travel limitations to as well as from Metro Manila, Genesis deliver has revealed that they will only operate up until March 14, 2020. right here are the routines of their last trips:
One of the very best things that occurred for travelers from Metro Manila as well as central Luzon is the introduce of the premium Point-to-Point (P2P) Bus service from Manila to Clark Airport.
Clark worldwide flight terminal is the fastest growing gateway in the country, as well as airlines have been constantly adding new flights that fly into as well as out of it. This somehow addresses the congestion issue that has been plaguing Manila’s Ninoy Aquino worldwide flight terminal (NAIA) for years.
Direct bus trips to Clark from Manila are not new. PHILTRANCO has been operating this path for years, albeit with only five trips per day. however the P2P buses provide more choices as well as pick up as well as decrease off passengers from all NAIA Terminals in addition to a few key stops like Robinsons Galleria (Ortigas), as well as Trinoma. These buses are likewise more comfortable, with fewer seats, bigger legroom, as well as working wi-fi.
These P2P buses ply two Clark routes: one originating as well as terminating at NAIA terminal 3, as well as the other originating as well as terminating at TRINOMA.
DŮLEŽITÉ! Although we try to do our best, we cannot assurance that the information below is updated all the time. We only depend on the timetables released by GENESIS deliver as well as published at public spaces. We still strongly motivate you to phone call GENESIS deliver directly for the latest schedules.
Co je uvedeno v této příručce?
Bus stops in Manila
P2P Bus as well as joy Bus routines as well as FaresNAIA to Clark flight terminal via Robinsons Galleria, Ortigas
Clark flight terminal to NAIA 1, 2, 3, via Ortigas
Trinoma to Clark Airport
Clark flight terminal to Trinoma or North EDSA
SM Clark to NAIA 1, 2, 3, via Ortigas
SM Clark to Trinoma
Důležité poznámky
Where to stay Near Clark AirportSearch for more hotels Near Clark Airport!
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Bus stops in Manila
Here are the precise places of the pick-up as well as drop-off areas of P2P buses n Manila. note that the NAIA 2 as well as NAIA 1 stops are for DROP-OFF ONLY. You can’t board the bus from there. If you’re coming from NAIA Terminals 1, 2, or 4, you will have to take a cab or Uber to terminal 3 (Bay 14).
NAIA 3. Bay 14 at the Arrival area. (According to one of our readers, it’s been transferred to Bay 11.) PICK-UP as well as DROP-OFF. Bus terminal get in touch with numbers: +63 933 852 7687, +63 933 852 7669.
NAIA 2. Bay 20 at the Arrival area. DROP-OFF ONLY!
NAIA 1. At the departure Curbside. DROP-OFF ONLY!
Robinsons Galleria (Ortigas). Near EDSA Shrine. pick UP as well as decrease OFF. However, when the bus is already full, it will avoid this stop.
Trinoma. Genesis P2P stop along Mindanao Avenue (side of Conti’s, Landmark). This utilized to be along EDSA, close to MRT North Station, however they moved it to the Mindanao side recently. See the picture below. pick UP as well as decrease OFF. get in touch with numbers: +63 933 852 6813, +63 933 852 7675.
Genesis P2P Bus at Trinoma stop
Note: There utilized to be a pick up as well as decrease off point at Resorts world Manila. however not anymore. Instead, you can take the pathway bridge that links Resorts world Manila to NAIA terminal 3.
P2P Bus as well as joy Bus routines as well as Fares
Below are the most updated timetables as of November 2018. The great news is: there are now more trips per day. The extra early morning trips will definitely assist those who have a morning flight to catch in Clark. There are likewise joy buses operating 3 times a day between NAIA as well as Clark.
Update: Fares have just recently increased, so the rates in the artworks below may be lower than actual present fares.
NAIA to Clark flight terminal via Robinsons Galleria, Ortigas
As of March 2019
Update: Fare now is P380.
DŮLEŽITÉ! since all buses are coming from NAIA, there are times when they are already full even before they reach Robinsons. In such cases, the driver skips the Robinsons Galleria/Ortigas stop. Hence, it’s much better to just go to NAIA to catch a bus than take a possibility in Ortigas.
Clark flight terminal to NAIA 1, 2, 3, via Ortigas
As of March 2019
Update: Fare now is P380.
Trinoma to Clark Airport
As of March 2019
Update: Fare now is P280.
Clark flight terminal to Trinoma or North EDSA
As of March 2019
Update: Fare now is P280.
SM Clark to NAIA 1, 2, 3, via Ortigas
As of March 2019
SM Clark to Trinoma
As of March 2019
Images above courtesy of Genesis Transport.
Důležité poznámky
They seem to not comply with thE rozvrh je přísně, jak by měli. Jeden z našich návštěvníků sdílel, že podle jeho zkušeností první autobus opustil Trinom v 5:40, ne 4:00. Před letem tedy máte spoustu dodací lhůty. Pokud je váš let brzy ráno a nejedná se o jízdu, přemýšlejte o nákladech na noc v Clarku pro velkou míru. Snažili jsme se dosáhnout Genesis, abychom vyjasnili jejich rutinu, ale dosud od nich žádná odpověď.
Celková doba cestování se liší v závislosti na provozu. Chcete-li být v bezpečí, přidělit 3-4 hodiny. Na základě zkušeností je celková doba cestování asi 2,5 hodiny. Všimněte si, že to bylo v pracovní den pozdě odpoledne/brzy večer. Opustili jsme letový terminál Clark ve 16:00, prošel Trinomem v 17:47 a také jsme dosáhli Resorts World Manila v 18:25. Pokud se to provede druhá metoda ve stejnou dobu, jsem si docela jistý, že to bude mnohem, mnohem déle.
Tyto autobusy se nezastaví, aby vyzvedly nebo snižovaly cestující na jakémkoli jiném místě než na určených místech. Nepokoušejte se vystupovat jinde.
Časy odjezdu Ortigas se liší v závislosti na dopravě Manily. Můžete být na chvíli (nebo hodně) čekací doby.
Pokud se pokoušíte zachytit let, povolte nějakou dodací lhůtu. být na letovém terminálu nejméně 2 hodiny před domácím letem nebo 3 hodiny pro mezinárodní. Délka procesu odbavení může být nepředvídatelná, zejména u imigračních čítačů, kde mohou být fronty dlouhé. Mnohem lepší rizika, než zbývá letadlem.
Vždy se spojte s doručením Genesis před vaší cestou, abyste získali svůj nejnovější harmonogram.
Kde zůstat poblíž letiště Clark
Pokud nechcete využít možnost nebo se snažíte chytit extrémně časný let, můžete strávit noc v Clarku. Právě zde jsou nejlepší hotely podle zákazníků AGODA.
Royce Hotel & Casino. Obrázek poskytnutý Agoda.
Kingsleys Hotel i Gastro Pub. Zkontrolujte sazby a dostupnost!
Oasis Hotel. Zkontrolujte sazby a dostupnost!
Clarkton Hotel. Zkontrolujte sazby a dostupnost!
Royce Hotel & Casino. Zkontrolujte sazby a dostupnost!
Widus Hotel i kasino. Zkontrolujte sazby a dostupnost!
Xenia Hotel Clark. Zkontrolujte sazby a dostupnost!
Hotel Snow. Zkontrolujte sazby a dostupnost!
Hledejte další hotely poblíž letiště Clark!
Další tipy na YouTube
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